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Study: Where Are the Women Leading Evangelical Organizations?
That's the mystery the Gender Parity Project, whose results debut this weekend, sets out to solve.
A World Vision for Church and Parachurch
Why the organizations that come alongside must also lead.
Joining the Race for Clean Water
Why lace up your sneakers when you could just write a check? A personal look at what’s driving the charity running craze.
A MASH Unit for Grief: A Support Center Reaches the 'Incoming Wounded' of Long Beach
Nurse Susan Beeney estimates that each year, 40,000 of her neighbors are facing profound loss. What her nonprofit is doing to heal their wounds.
Behind James MacDonald's Resignation from the Gospel Coalition
A prominent pastor's departure raises questions of church/non-church boundaries.
The Messy Business of Clean Water in Africa
Drilling for truth in the Central African Republic.
Persecution Prompts Missions Agency to Transform
Operation Mobilization India transforms itself into a local witness.
Wycliffe, SIL Issue Guidelines on Translating 'Son of God' Among Muslims
The term 'Son of God' should be retained, but not at the expense of comprehension, translating groups say.
Undoing the Famine Damage
If the famine in the Horn of Africa is manmade, human intervention can end the crisis.
Court Rejects Prostitution Restrictions on AIDS Funding
Evangelical NGOS say the ruling is unlikely to change their operations, but the case touches on larger principles.
Google Cuts Churches Out Of Nonprofit Program
Faith-based groups must now pay for search giant's tools.
Homeless Shelters Face Sharp Cutbacks
The feeding programs and shelters are becoming a shrinking circle of protection despite best efforts by churches and ministries.
Famine in East Africa: Who Cares?
Several Christian NGOs are on the move, provided they can get the appropriate funds.
A Dream of a Center: 'A Model for Faith-based Organizations'
An interview with the head of one of the most effective Pentecostal social missions in America.
Canceled Flights: New Policies Threaten Settlement Agencies
Resettlement agencies laid off staff after a new Department of Homeland Security screening disrupted refugees' flights to the U.S.
Flowers of the Son
'Flowers of the Son' follows Jews for Jesus in the Holy Land.
Exodus from 'Day of Truth'
Group says event "became more about policy than people."
A Ministry Grows in Brooklyn
Messianic leaders explore new strategies for reaching the Jewish community in the U.S. and Israel.
Evangelical Leaders Pan Qur'an Burn Plan
NAE issues public plea. Richard Land calls it "appalling, disgusting, and brainless."
Immigration Reform: Another Christian View
Forging a just public policy is more complex than the public rhetoric.

Top Story June 3, 2024

Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
Our message cannot be market tested or manufactured.

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